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Home / Membership / Terms & Conditions of Membership
Home / Membership / Terms & Conditions of Membership

Terms & Conditions of Membership

Terms and Conditions of Membership


I consent to my son(s)/daughter(s)/self taking part in sailing activities at BLYM Sailing Club and Training Centre. He/she/they/I is/am water confident in light clothing and have no undisclosed medical conditions that might endanger him/her/my self or others. I will inform the Duty Warden or Duty Senior Instructor on arrival of any change to the given medical information. I authorise BLYM to approve emergency medical treatment should the need arise. My son(s)/daughter(s)/I will follow the directions of BLYM officers at all times and demonstrate a high regard for seamanship, safety and behaviour. I understand that BLYM may exclude any person acting against its interests. It must be recognised that sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in activities at BLYM you agree and acknowledge that:
(i) You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility for exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part;
(ii) You will comply at all times with the instructions of the Instructor particularly with regard to handling of boats, wearing of buoyancy aids and the wearing of suitable clothing for the conditions;
(iii) You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;
(iv) You will not participate in the course whilst your ability to participate is impaired by alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate.

BLYM Standard Operating Procedures

As a member, you agree to abide by the policies and procedures set in the BLYM Standard Operating Procedures.


BLYM's insurers require us to make members aware of the following statement: "BLYM officers, RYA Instructors, RYA Senior Instructors and RYA Coaches do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course of their activities whist supervising and/or training and/or coaching and/or instructing unless such injury, loss or damage was caused by or resulted from negligence or deliberate act." Please note that BLYM does not provide insurance cover for personal accident, nor for loss or damage to personal property.

Boat Park & Berthing

Should your Membership Plan include a berth, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the BLYM Boat Park & Berthing Policy.

Gift Aid

Should you agree to allow the charity to claim gift aid on your membership, please agree to the following statement:

To: Bury Lake Young Mariners Ltd, Registered Charity No. 1102162
Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made now. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 of tax paid in the current financial year.

Data Protection

The details held in this form will be held only on a secure (encrypted) database for the purposes of club administration. Credit card details are not stored. The details will not be released to any third party.


BLYM may photograph or video those taking part in any BLYM activity and may use and/or store this media for coaching and/or promotional purposes in perpetuity.

Any questions? CONTACT US

Last updated 16:13 on 19 March 2025

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