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Home / Documents / Course terms and conditions
Home / Documents / Course terms and conditions

Course terms and conditions


Throughout this document, BLYM, Bury Lake Young Mariners, the Club and the Training Centre shall all refer to Bury Lake Young Mariners (Registered Charity no 1102162)

Acknowledgement Of Risk

It must be recognised that sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in a course with BLYM you agree and acknowledge that:

You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility for exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part.

(ii) You will comply at all times with the instructions of the Instructor particularly with regard to handling of boats, wearing of buoyancy aids and the wearing of suitable clothing for the conditions.

(iii) You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence.

(iv) You will not participate in the course whilst your ability to participate is impaired by alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate.


In the unlikely event that BLYM cancels a course for operational reasons all payments will be refunded unless alternative dates offered by BLYM to you are acceptable.

If a participant cancels a booking 4 weeks or more before the start date their payment will be returned with a deduction of £10.00 to cover administration costs. Alternatively, if there is capacity, a participant can request for a booking to be transferred to a later date at no extra cost. If a participant has to cancel a course within the four weeks prior to the start of the course BLYM will endeavour to fill the place and offer a refund less the administration cost of £10.00 However, if BLYM are not able to fill the cancelled place within seven days of the start date of the course then no refund can be offered. There is no entitlement to a refund once a course or period of membership has commenced. Any requests for refunds must be in writing (or e-mail) to the Course Administrator.

BLYM monitors the weather conditions constantly throughout the day. Should the weather conditions become unsuitable for some activities then it may be necessary to alter the planned programme to remain safe and interesting. In such cases, we will sign off as much of the course as possible in your logbook and will offer future dates for you to return to complete your course. Additional days will be charged as taken.


You understand that the Senior Instructor of the day may exclude anyone from a particular session and evict anyone from the premises who refuses to comply with these Terms and Conditions or who misconducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons.

Data Protection

The information given by you will be used by us to process any course registration and for attending to you whilst you are at BLYM. We will also include your name and address on our mailing list. If you do not want to receive our newsletters and details of our promotions, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the email.

Any data that you provide will be held on an computer database protected by 2048-bit SSL encryption (unless you request otherwise in writing) accessible by authorised Club Officers for the purposes of club adminstration. Your details will be held for the duration of your membership and for a period of five years thereafter (unless you request otherwise in writing). The details will not be released to any third party.

For more information on how we use your data, please visit our Privacy Policy


BLYM may take photographs and video footage of those taking part in any BLYM activity and may use and/or store this media for coaching and / or promotional purposes. If you object to the use of these images please let us know in writing.


Our Insurance Company has asked us to make you aware of the following:

"RYA/NSSA Instructors, NSSA Sailing Masters, RYA Senior Instructors or RYA Coaches do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course of their activities whilst training and/or coaching and/or instructing unless such injury loss or damage was caused by, or resulted from negligence or a deliberate act."

Participants please note that BLYM does not provide insurance cover for personal accident, nor for loss or damage to personal property.

Consent To Partake

I consent to my son/daughter/self taking part in sailing activities at BLYM Sailing Club and Training Centre. He/she/I is/am water confident in light clothing and have no undisclosed medical conditions that might endanger him/her/my self or others. I will inform the Duty Warden or Duty Senior Instructor on arrival of any change to the given medical information. I authorise BLYM to approve emergency medical treatment should the need arise.

My son/daughter/I will follow the directions of BLYM officers at all times and demonstrate a high regard for seamanship, safety and behaviour. I understand that BLYM may exclude any person acting against its interests.

Last updated 16:13 on 19 March 2025

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