Jazz on the Patio

Level: All | Age: 6 + | Typical Time: 17:00 - 21:30 | Average Price: £10.00

Quick Event Information

Level: All
Age: 6 +
Typical Time: 17:00 - 21:30

Average Price: £10.00

Average Member's Price: £10.00

Typical Number on Event: 40

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:1

The instructors were knowledgeable and helpful:

66% Agreed or Strongly Agreed

The programme was well structured and met my needs:

66% Agreed or Strongly Agreed

No Event Joining Instructions Available

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Temporary Members are not entitled to membership discounts.
Survey results taken from automated participant surveys.

Event Summary

Jazz on the Patio

On Saturday 7th September, the Youth Team is hosting Jazz on the Patio!

Come along any time from 17:00 and join us for live jazz music from a local band as well as refreshments, although feel free to bring your own food and drinks. Included in your ticket will be a full day of general sailing and an evening BBQ. There will also be a Bake-off competition, so please bring cakes or sweet treats to be judged and shared out after.

The Youth Team hopes to see you all down soon for a fun, relaxing evening of music!


Event Dates

Apologies, there are no dates currently available - we can notify you when dates are published if you subscribe below.

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Bury Lake Young Mariners
Rickmansworth Aquadrome
Frogmoor Lane